382家外媒聚焦贵州:达利艺术特展贵阳开展引发关注 | 382 foreign media eye the debut of Dalí's art exhibition in SW China's Guizhou

2023-05-07 15:51:31    来源:来源:当代先锋网

The art exhibition A Universal Genius: Salvador Dalíis a special activity of the 2023 China-Spain Year of Culture and Tourism campaign.



贵州英文网、贵阳英文网和贵州海外社交媒体账号(@iloveguizhou)4月28日联动刊发的英文稿件Explore the genius of Salvador Dali: Top art exhibition kicks off in Guiyang(天才大师达利艺术特展在贵阳拉开帷幕),聚焦中国和西班牙建交50周年之际,达利艺术特展首次在我国西南地区亮相,不仅为贵州人民带来一场文化的视觉盛宴,也为贵州与西班牙的文化交流拉开了新的帷幕。

The English article Explore the Genius of Salvador Dalí: Top Art Exhibition Kicks off in Guiyangpublished by eguizhou.gov.cn, eguiyang.com.cn, and the overseas social media account of Guizhou(@iloveguizhou) on Apr 28, eyes the debut of the extraordinary exhibition A Universal Genius: Salvador Dalíin Guiyang, provincial capital of SW China" Guizhou. The exhibition is held at the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Spain, bringing a monumental cultural event for the people of Guizhou and also a new venue for more cultural exchange between Guizhou and Spain.

The Salvador Dalí art exhibition is being held for the first time in Guiyang, Guizhou province.


特展汇集了西班牙超现实主义艺术大师萨尔瓦多·达利的许多著名作品,并根据不同创作主题在 8个展区内展出,其中包括风景画、人物肖像、芭蕾舞剧布景、致敬但丁的《神曲》系列等121件达利珍贵原作,3件复制品,2件装置艺术,4件视觉装置艺术,2部达利主题电影。据了解,这是中国境内达利真迹展出时间最久、原作数量最多的一次展览。

The special exhibition brings together many famous works of Spanish surrealist artist Salvador Dalí, and the exhibits are arranged in 8 zones according to different creative themes, including 121 precious paintings of landscapes, portraits, ballet sets, and a series of homages to Dante"s Divine Comedy, 3 reproductions, 2 art installations, 4 visual installations, and 2 Dalí-themed films. This exhibition is the longest, running from Apr 27 through Aug 31, with the most Dalí"s authentic works in China.


A visitor is appreciating the work by the Spanish surrealist artist Salvador Dalí.


As of May 4, a total of 382 overseas media and websites, including Associated Press, Yahoo Finance, and Fox News, have quoted the article, reaching more than 233 million people across the globe.

此外,中国驻巴塞罗那总领事朱京阳、外交部参赞陈平、马德里中国文化中心、西班牙文化活动家Àlex Hinojo等账号点赞、转发了贵州Twitter账号@iloveguizhou发布的“天才大师达利艺术特展今日开幕”推文。中国日报中文网、中国日报英文网、中国日报客户端、中国日报Facebook、中国日报Twitter等全媒体平台也对此次盛会进行了报道。

In addition, Zhu Jingyang, China"s Consul General in Barcelona,Chen Ping, Counsellor of the Ministry of Foreign Ministry, the China Cultural Center in Madrid, andÀlex Hinojo, a Spanish cultural activist, liked and retweeted the tweet of "Explore the Genius of Salvador Dalí: Top Art Exhibition Kicks off in Guiyang" by @iloveguizhou. The event was also reported by China Daily on its Chinese website, English website, App, Facebook, and Twitter accounts.


The art exhibition A Universal Genius: Salvador Dalíis currently underway at the Guiyang International Fashion Center.

来源 “国传梦工厂”微信公众号

编辑 王梓艺

编审 闵捷


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